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CRISPY-CUI@blogspot.com ♥
Friday, February 26, 2010

Empty periods

It has been a little weird these days when I've got too much things to think about. A bundle of stuff that I wished to do but with one limitation, the most practical of all - $$. Wanted to learn driving all of a sudden, wanted to learn either Korean or French language and most of all, I want to travel. I guessed all these add up to at least 5k but I simply do not have the capital now. Money seems to be a key concern that I don't really see in the past.

Anyway, I've been thinking alot about my future that seems blurry to me. I sort of know what I want but I'm not so sure if I have the capability to pursue. Friends were telling me I can but I really wonder. Do they really think so or just trying to make me feel better? Of course,
I know that self confidence is a key factor to my success but my experience during attachment really affected me.

I am really interested to know what is going to happen to Guai Kias in the future, 10 years or maybe 5 years down the road. What will each of them be doing and will we be able to hang out and stick to each other like now. I missed you guys! Other than that, I was picturing how the graduation will be like, will anyone of us cry? Or maybe fight back the tears till you got home and reminisce. I guessed I am going to do out a list as in who I wanna take photos with, as this is the last chance. I hope 1H03 is able to gather again and have a grp photo taken with Ms Quah and Mr Png. Oh man, this is bad. I hate parting but I love the last year.

Just don't know how to cherish when you know you are going to lose it.

I like it when u call me
I like it when u were being pushed to me
I like it when we were just 2 persons apart
I like it when we get to do PW together
I like it when we entered the same combi


I guessed it has just been the wrong timing.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Pre and Post Chinese New Year

Before I start to blog about my CNY event, I noticed something dangerous at home today. When I woke up in the morning, I went to the kitchen and I smelled foul gas. It was very light but smelly. First reaction of mine was to look at the stove and I stupidly go and smell the stove to see if the gas is emitting from it. I noticed that the stove was left on even though we were not cooking anything. My goodness, imagine if I had a blocked nose and my dad came back to smoke. I might have to say bye bye.

All right maybe I would consider a weekly post compared to a daily one so that it can be a very long one. Let me start from new year preparation. My sis and I went shopping, but mainly for her clothes. On the very first day when we left home, we saw this insect thingy that we couldn't figure out if they were ants or spiders.

Personally I think that there are spiders but they were not moving, so disgusting. Alright, went on to shop around near town. We went to Vivo City, Orchard area for clothes and we drop by 313 Somerset because of Forever 21 and Zara. After walking for the whole day, I seriously just wanna settle down, that's what makes it so tiring to go shopping with my sis as she is never tired and I am amazed by that. We settled down in an open restaurant for dinner. The food there was rather yummy and affordable.

Bacon Egg Penne Waffle Bowl

That's my order and here's my sis's:

Rosemary Chicken Apple Crumble

I think mine tastes better but she insists hers taste better. In the end, I decided not to fight with her cause it's so childish. Bleh :P The apple crumble is too sweet so I didn't like it. I prefer my waffle. Oh, and I saw something I am so fond of and I bought it back. Heheheh!

Shincan - My favourite character!

That my best collection for now. So Kawaii!!


On the 13th Feb - New Year Eve
As usual on the new year eve we will definitely eat steamboat. But before that, My big sis and I helped my mom to make wanton for steamboat.

It is made up of all sorts of funny shapes as we were trying to do something unusual but it turns out this way. Still edible k.

Steamboat at night

Ours are not purely steamboat but with barbeque as well. With my 2nd sis around, there is bound to be a widespread.

The fortune cookies.

On the first day after visiting my relative's house, I went out with my bestie for a movie and dinner. I love chilling out with her as we always have things to talk about. Nearing 7 years of friendship, I simply love her. On the second day we went to Pearl's house:

It was nice of her to invite us to her house but she kept stuffing us with FOOD! First, pizzas, curry chicken, seaweed chicken, chicken drumlets. I felt like a chicken killer that day. Followed by a full bowl of soup and cocktail. Wanyu was very funny cause she helped herself to the soup before that and I think she had 2 bowls already. But Pearl, ignoring her scooped her another full bowl. She was helplessly saying ' huh, I drank 2 bowls already leh.' and we all began laughing. And we went to the topic of grod party again. I guess nobody is going to dress according to the theme or rather we have our own definition of the theme. :) ok, I am gonna get a dress for that night ok. No pyjamas Andrea!

After CNY meant interview for research papers is nearing, I was rather afraid of what Ms Selene Goh might ask. But after that, it will be truely over...
Friday, February 5, 2010

All rights, let me continue with my post internship life :) Met Xinying, one of my super best friend for shopping on Wednesday. Since both of us have yet to purchase our clothes for CNY, we decided to go far east plaza to shop around. Personally, I think there isn't anythig much to shop for, maybe because I am just too lazy to try on anything.

After that, we went around Orchard area, it's like a marathon la. Maybe I should map it out. From Far East Plaza - ION Orchard - Takashimaya - Heeren -Centrepoint -Orchard Central -Heeren - ION Orchard and finally!! Plaza Singapura. Gosh, I didn't realise I had walked that much till now when I am recalling back. The moment I reached home my legs felt worse than Napfa seriously. But still, I enjoyed it, cause it's with my lesbie.... heeee
(P.S I must make it clear that I am straight! cos I think people mistaken us as les when we are on the streets and I'm trying to behave more like an lady whenever I'm with her)

There she is...

Xinying with her banana choc fish pancake and the dessert we ate in ION.

Milk pudding - $3.50 (this is super nice!!)

Green tea snow ice with Japanese Red bean - $5

I think this will taste better if the green tea taste is stronger because it was rather blend. But it taste nicer if you are eating it with the red beans though.

As we search through Orchard Road and Somerset to find a nice Swarovski box, we ended up in Orchard Central as it seems like a nice place, though quite vacant. This is the view we had from the 11th story.

Well I wanted to take a nice picture of it but the window panes are filled with poker dots. So it appeared a bit blur. But I have to say that the restaurants up on the 11th and 12th storeys are fine dining. I think they called them as rooftop dining and the atmosphere is SO NICE and ROMANTIC. It's another location for couples to dine in if you have the ka-chings.. ($$)
Anyway, we went on to shop around and found this part in Orchard Central that both of us went crazy with.
It's models wearing clothes of some brands and please look at the backdrop. SO NICE RIGHT!
And so, we both took pictures with it. Actually I had more but I decided not to put too much. :D

After that we head on back to Heeren for dinner at Shokudo. The words "Japanese Street" caught our attention so we decided to eat there. Xinying ordered Saba fish and I ordered Unagi with emu rice.
The food is super delicious and it's affordable too. We spent less than $20 each, including GST and drinks.

Then, we search our way back to ION because we wanted to buy bags and shoes from Charles and Keith since we made a pact to buy together so that she could get the membership.
*Requirement: $180 in a single receipt
We attempted ION but her bag was sold out and my shoes weren't there too. So, she got the sales person to check out which outlet still has the stock of her bag. I would say we were so paiseh cause the bags seemed to be sold out in most of the outlets and she has to keep calling. In the end, she checked and found that Plaza Sing had the last piece with them and we decided to head straight down.
It was 9.30pm when we reached. The bag was there and out total was only $137.70, with my shoes, her heels and bags. I was searching around if I could find another pair of heels that I like so that I could help her with the remaining amount and I found it, but ubfortunately, it doesn't have my size of 38. I was so disappointed as I really like that pair of heels. In the end, she managed to combine the receipt with someone else and got the membership :)
The very next day, I was working at a conference organised by my attachment company, I got
Andrea with me too. It felt good working as a part timer for me. We went to have coffee during our break and the lady is so skilful in this:
It's a heart shape eh, so nice la~ After the event, we got our pay of $50 and we went shopping cause I wanted to get the C&K heels. Andrea went to Marina Square with me and I started searching. I searched through the entire shop and can't seem to find it. I described it to Andrea and she was like, 'oh, is it this pair?' !@#$$%^. 'yes it is!! I must be having a cock eye not to have noticed that as I browsed that area for about 3 times. Anyway, I got my size from the sales person and HAHA, they got my size leh. LOVE it. By the way, drea got her shoes as well. It looks like a pair of boots that is super high (as heard from her, I think is 10cm).

Here's mine... About 8 or 9cm, slightly lower than hers.
After that, I think drea went on to buy her lip balm and spent the remaining salary and that's when we went home after that. I swear that bus 518 was so packed that I could hardly breathe. There were no space for movement at all and there is this girl who kept falling asleep and knock into me. I was at the front holding the pole and she was seating, facing me. She dozed off and first, hit on my hand holding the pole, and then hit on my Charles and Keith bag. Imagine if I let go of my hand, I think her head will probably surface out one small baluku.
After that, I went home to change and bathe and went on to TM to buy new year goodie. I was sooo tired after today man but since I have promised my sis that I would go, I have to go.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Preparation for CNY!! - 2 Feb 2010

Went for consultation today @ 10.30am. Seriously speaking, I don't have much questions for her. But still, I am able to last for 10 minutes!! After that, went with Pearl to Sugarloaf for food. (Andrea you PS us. =p) Sugarloaf wasn't as happening as it used to, the borders along the swimming pool have been closed for renovation, hence, we are unable to see the greenery anymore. It appears rather dark and quiet.

Went to run errands for my mom after that, here's what I bought!

2 bottles of new year goodie

1 kg of flour and peanuts

These ingredients are for tonight. We are gonna make our very own: peanut pok pok. Well, I dunno what the actual name is so I just do what my mum asks me to.

Grounded Peanuts

The Pok Pok I did (Old Chang Kee Style) VS

My sis's

Which is nicer??

That's my dad with the rolling pin.

Finally, the end product.

Now it looks simple here, but it's really tiring but I enjoyed it though. Anyway, it's like once in a year we are doing this. But this is also my excuse for not doing research paper.
Sunday, January 31, 2010

31st January 2010

Went for the NTU talk yesterday which was rather demoralising, especially after checking the cut off point for their business school. Still, I'm gonna try to apply for it because other than this, I dunno what else I am interested in.

Anyways, I was happy when I got home to see my working area set up for me by my daddy. It has been the first time in 19 years that I had my own working desk at home to do my work.Probably cause he needs the table for other purpose but still, that saves me the trouble of transferring my stuff everywhere whenever they need to use that table.

However, having said that, I still lack the motivation to start on my research paper where my first consultation is in 2 days time. Gosh, how hardworking can I be especially when I jus ended internship and knowing that Chinese New Year is coming nearer and nearer. All in my mind is to go and shop for clothes, shoes and having fun with my friends. I think it is rather contradicting to select between exams or reports to determine our end module grade. But I hate it when it involves two! As if it hasn't been bad enough to just have one of them.

My wish before new year comes: to accompany my mummy to buy stuff, to complete the new year goodie we have been working on, to buy new shoes and clothes and of course to complete my research paper.
Thursday, December 31, 2009

It's 1st Jan 2010!!! Has been long ever since I had an entry. Hmmm, what shall be my new year new resolution, I guess only I would know what I want for it. Has been looking forward to returning back school, miss my friends so much, but not the napfa test on the 1st day of school :(